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CNC Machining Tolerances

Everything You Need to Know About Standard Machining Tolerances

Machining tolerances are a critical aspect of manufacturing, particularly in high-precision industries such as aerospace, automotive, and medical devices. They dictate how much variation is allowed in a part’s dimensions, ensuring that components fit together and function properly without compromising performance.

This article provides a detailed exploration of standard machining tolerances, explaining their importance, how they are calculated, and practical tips for dealing with them.

What Are Machining Tolerances?

The acceptable ranges of deviation from the design specifications of a part’s dimensions are specified by machining tolerances.These deviations are essential because achieving perfect dimensions is practically impossible in manufacturing due to factors like tool wear, material behavior, and machine capabilities. Machining tolerances allow for these minor variations while ensuring that parts remain functional and fit within an assembly.

For instance, if a part’s design calls for a 50 mm diameter and a ±0.02 mm tolerance, the actual manufactured part can have a diameter ranging from 49.98 mm to 50.02 mm and still be considered within tolerance.

Standard Machining Tolerances

Importance of Machining Tolerances

Machining tolerances play a vital role in various aspects of manufacturing, including:

  • Functionality: Parts often need to fit or interact with other components in assemblies. Even with tiny dimensional variances, parts will fit together and perform as intended if proper tolerances are used.
  • Quality Control: Tolerances provide a clear benchmark for determining whether a part meets the required dimensional standards. This helps ensure that defective parts are identified and reworked or discarded before reaching the final product.
  • Cost Management: Tolerances allow manufacturers to balance precision with cost. Tighter tolerances are more expensive to achieve because they require more precise machines, additional machining time, and frequent tool changes. Overly strict tolerance specifications for non-critical components may result in unneeded cost increases.
  • Reliability and Safety: Accurate tolerances are crucial for both in sectors like aircraft and medical devices. Incorrect tolerances could result in part failure, posing risks to users or end-users.
  • Interchangeability: Tolerances ensure that parts manufactured in different batches or even different locations can be used interchangeably without requiring adjustments or modifications.

Calculation and Expression of Machining Tolerances

Machining tolerances are calculated and expressed in a way that provides manufacturers with clear guidelines for acceptable dimensional deviations from the nominal or design-specified value. By understanding how tolerances are calculated and expressed, manufacturers can ensure that parts will function correctly, even with slight variations.

Familiar Terms in Tolerancing

Before diving into tolerance calculations, it’s important to understand some basic terms:

Basic Size: This refers to the nominal size or the ideal dimension from which the allowable limits are derived. For instance, the basic size of a shaft designed to be 50 mm is 50 mm.

Real Size: The finished part’s measured dimensions are referred to as the actual size. Due to machining variations, the actual size might differ slightly from the basic size.

Limit: The limit refers to the extreme values that a part’s dimension can take. There are two limits: the lowest permitted size is the lower limit, and the upper limit is the greatest permitted size. As an illustration, the upper limit is 50.05 mm and the lower limit is 49.95 mm for a basic size of 50 mm with a tolerance of ±0.05 mm.

Deviation: The discrepancy between the basic and actual sizes is known as deviation. Two categories exist:

  • Upper deviation: The variation between the basic size and the largest size that is permitted,
  • Lower deviation: The variation between the basic size and the smallest size that is permitted.

Datum: A datum is a reference point, line, or surface used to determine the position, orientation, or location of other features. It serves as a basis for measurement or control.

Maximum Material Condition (MMC): A feature that has the most material permitted by the tolerances is said to be in this condition. For example, a shaft at its largest diameter or a hole at its smallest diameter would be in the maximum material condition.

Minimum Material Condition (MMC): This refers to the state where a feature contains the smallest amount of material permitted by the tolerances, which is the opposite of MMC. For example, a shaft at its smallest diameter or a hole at its largest diameter.

Decimal Places: Tolerances are expressed with a certain number of decimal places, which indicate the precision required. For example, a tolerance of ±0.02 mm has a higher level of precision than ±0.1 mm.

Calculation of Tolerance Range and Formula

To calculate machining tolerances, you need to define the upper and lower limits of the dimension and find the range between them.

Tolerance Formula:
Tolerance=Upper Limit−Lower Limit

For instance, if a part is designed with a basic size of 50 mm and a bilateral tolerance of ±0.05 mm, the upper limit is 50.05 mm, and the lower limit is 49.95 mm. The tolerance range is calculated as:
Tolerance=50.05 mm−49.95 mm=0.10 mm

In this case, the part can vary by 0.10 mm in total, split between the upper and lower limits, and still be considered within tolerance.

One-Sided Tolerance Calculation:
If the tolerance is one-sided, such as +0.10 mm / 0 mm, the part can only exceed the basic size by 0.10 mm but cannot be smaller. For example, with a basic size of 50 mm and a one-sided tolerance of +0.10 mm / 0 mm:

  • Upper limit = 50 mm + 0.10 mm = 50.10 mm
  • Lower limit = 50 mm (no deviation on the lower side)

In this case, the tolerance range is still 0.10 mm, but only upward deviations are allowed.

Bilateral Tolerance Calculation:
For bilateral tolerances, which allow deviations in both directions from the nominal size, such as ±0.05 mm, the upper and lower limits are calculated symmetrically around the basic size. For a basic size of 50 mm with ±0.05 mm bilateral tolerance:

  • Upper limit = 50 mm + 0.05 mm = 50.05 mm
  • Lower limit = 50 mm – 0.05 mm = 49.95 mm

This creates a balanced tolerance range around the nominal size.

Limit Tolerance Calculation:
With limit tolerances, the limits are given directly. For instance, if a part has a limit tolerance specified as 49.95 mm to 50.05 mm, then:

  • Upper limit = 50.05 mm
  • Lower limit = 49.95 mm

There is no need to calculate the tolerance range; the allowable dimensions are directly specified.

Unequal Tolerance Calculation:
In some cases, unequal tolerances are applied, allowing different ranges for deviations above and below the basic size. For example, if a shaft has a tolerance of +0.05 mm / -0.02 mm:

  • Upper limit = 50 mm + 0.05 mm = 50.05 mm
  • Lower limit = 50 mm – 0.02 mm = 49.98 mm

In this case, the part can vary more on the upper side than on the lower side, giving an unequal tolerance range.

Different Types of Machining Tolerances

Depending on the part’s particular needs and the level of precision required for production, there are several types of machining tolerances. These tolerances govern different aspects of a part’s dimensions, such as size, form, orientation, and position. Here are some of the most common types of machining tolerances:

One-Sided Tolerance

A one-sided tolerance specifies that variation is allowed in only one direction from the nominal dimension, either above or below but not both. This type of tolerance is used when it is critical that a part does not exceed a certain dimension on one side.

Example: A hole may have a tolerance of +0.05 mm and 0 mm, meaning it can only be larger than the nominal size, but not smaller.

Bilateral Tolerance

Both positive and negative departures from the nominal dimension are permitted with a bilateral tolerance. The deviations are typically equal on both sides, but they can also be unequal.

Example: The actual diameter of a shaft with a nominal diameter of 50 mm and a tolerance of ±0.05 mm can vary between 49.95 mm and 50.05 mm.

Limit Tolerance

Limit tolerances specify the maximum and minimum dimensions that a part feature can have, without using a plus-minus notation. These tolerances are expressed as two explicit limits rather than a nominal dimension with deviations.

Example: A feature might be specified with a limit tolerance of 49.95 mm to 50.05 mm. The part must fall between these two limits.

Profile Tolerance

The permitted fluctuation in the form or contour of a part’s surface is managed by profile tolerance. It applies to both internal and external features, ensuring that the entire surface remains within a tolerance zone.

Example: A curved surface may have a profile tolerance that allows the surface to deviate by ±0.1 mm from the ideal profile.

Orientation Tolerance

The angular alignment of a feature with respect to a datum (reference point or surface) is controlled by orientation tolerances. Common orientation tolerances include:

  • Perpendicularity: Ensures that a surface or feature is 90° to a reference plane or axis.
  • Parallelism: Ensures that two surfaces or features are equidistant at all points.
  • Angularity: Regulates a surface or feature’s precise angle in relation to a datum.

Position Tolerance

The permissible divergence of a feature’s location from a datum is governed by position tolerance. It is particularly important for holes, slots, and other features that need to be positioned accurately for assembly.

Example: A hole with a position tolerance ensures that the center of the hole is within a specified tolerance zone relative to its intended position.

Form Tolerance

Form tolerances regulate a part’s specific feature shapes independently of other features. These tolerances ensure that features meet certain requirements for flatness, straightness, roundness, and cylindricality.

  • Flatness: Ensures that a surface remains between two parallel planes.
  • Straightness: Assures that a feature, like an axis or edge, stays straight.
  • Roundness: Ensures that a cylindrical feature is round within a tolerance zone.

Runout Tolerance

A feature’s rotational variation around a datum axis is governed by runout tolerance. It is applied to rotating parts like gears, shafts, and other parts. Runout ensures that the feature maintains concentricity and uniformity during rotation.

Example: Total runout measures the variation in a surface as it rotates around an axis, ensuring that it does not wobble or deviate.

Unequal Tolerance

Different tolerances on either side of the nominal dimension are possible with unequal tolerances. When there is a greater allowable deviation in one direction than the other, this kind of tolerance is used.

Example: A shaft may have a tolerance of +0.05 mm and -0.02 mm, meaning it can be 0.05 mm larger than the nominal size but only 0.02 mm smaller.

Common CNC Machining Tolerances

Tolerances in CNC machining vary according to the part design, material qualities, and machine capabilities. The most common tolerances for CNC machining include:

  • Linear Tolerances: These are typically in the range of ±0.05 mm to ±0.1 mm for general-purpose machining. For high-precision parts, CNC machines can achieve tolerances as tight as ±0.01 mm.
  • Angular Tolerances: Angular tolerances usually range from ±0.5° for general machining, with more precise machines capable of achieving tolerances as tight as ±0.1°.
  • Geometric Tolerances: These vary based on the type of tolerance, such as flatness, straightness, and concentricity. Flatness tolerances, for example, can range from 0.05 mm to 0.1 mm, while more stringent applications may require tolerances within 0.01 mm.
  • Surface Tolerances: Surface roughness tolerances, often measured in Ra (Roughness Average), specify the allowable deviation in surface finish. For example, Ra 0.8 µm might be required for precision parts, while Ra 3.2 µm is suitable for less critical surfaces.

The application of the part and the level of precision required by the design determine which tolerance is used.

Important Things to Remember When Dealing With Tolerances

When working with machining tolerances, keep the following points in mind:

  • Material Selection: Different materials behave differently during machining. Harder materials like steel and titanium may require more relaxed tolerances compared to softer materials like aluminum and plastic, which are easier to machine with higher precision.
  • Machine Capabilities: The degree of precision that may be obtained by a CNC machine varies. For machines to reliably meet tolerances, regular calibration is required.
  • Tool Wear: Over time, tools deteriorate, which compromises their capacity to maintain precise tolerances. To get the required precision, regular tool replacement and maintenance are crucial.
  • Part Complexity: More complex parts with intricate features often require tighter tolerances, which can increase machining difficulty and cost.
  • Temperature and Environment: Machining conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, can affect part dimensions due to thermal expansion or contraction. Careful control of the environment can help maintain consistent tolerances.

How to Find the Right Tolerance?

A part’s tolerance must be selected by striking a compromise between cost and precision. Here’s how to select the appropriate tolerance:

  • Understand the Function of the Part: Consider the role the part plays in the assembly. For critical parts, such as gears or components in medical devices, tighter tolerances may be necessary. For non-critical parts, more relaxed tolerances can be used.
  • Collaborate with Engineers and Machinists: Communication between design engineers and machinists is crucial to determining feasible tolerances. Engineers should specify tolerances based on the part’s requirements, while machinists can provide input on the practical aspects of achieving those tolerances.
  • Refer to Industry Standards: ISO 2768 and ASME Y14.5 are examples of industry standards that offer guidance on the proper tolerance selection for a given part size and purpose.
  • Cost Consideration: Tighter tolerances increase production costs due to more machining time and tool wear. Determine if the added precision is worth the cost for the part’s application.

Tips for Tighter CNC Machining Tolerances

Achieving tighter tolerances in CNC machining can be challenging, but these tips can help:

  • Use High-Precision Machines: Invest in advanced CNC machines that offer greater accuracy and stability. These machines have better control over tool movement, resulting in higher precision.
  • Calibrate Regularly: Ensure that your CNC machines are regularly calibrated to maintain their precision capabilities.
  • Choose the Right Material: Softer materials like aluminum are easier to machine with high precision, while harder materials require more advanced cutting tools and slower feed rates.
  • Optimize Cutting Parameters: To reduce vibration and get tighter tolerances, change the cutting depth, feed rate, and speed. Slower cutting speeds can help improve precision.
  • Monitor Tool Wear: Regularly inspect cutting tools for wear and replace them as needed to maintain consistent tolerance accuracy.
  • Use Automated Quality Control: Employ automated inspection tools like coordinate measuring machines (CMM) to verify that parts meet the specified tolerances.


Machining tolerances are a fundamental aspect of manufacturing, ensuring that parts meet their design specifications while balancing precision and cost. Understanding the various types of tolerances, how to calculate them, and when to apply them can help manufacturers produce high-quality parts that fit and function as intended.

By following best practices for selecting and achieving tighter CNC machining tolerances, manufacturers can ensure consistent, reliable, and cost-effective production. Whether you’re producing precision components for critical applications or less demanding parts, mastering machining tolerances is essential for delivering quality products.


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